Apple has filed a patent for a curved, wraparound smartphone screen – we’ve put together a video on what that might look like
The iPhone half-dozen could have a incurvate, wraparound screen according to an Apple patent filing, and also the healthy small indefinite amount of web-speculation that followed it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Apple iPhone 6 – what we’re nominally job ensuing smartphone from Apple, that might equally be referred to as the iPhone 5s, or one thing all completely different – is perhaps the foremost heatedly anticipated convenience on the world at once.
Apple files an enormous quantity of patents, but a recent one showing an iPhone style with a wraparound AMOLED screen, that seems to be similar in style to the fourth generation iPod Nano, has gained specific attention.
According to the patent, the screen is 'unrolled' or 'unfolded' due to a hinge or flowering mechanism permitting the screen space to be nearly doubled in size.
Facial-recognition, gesture management and therefore the the} layering of screens to make a 3D show were also delineated within the patent.
Check out out embeded video what iPhone style might seem like.
As we all know Apple won't be revealing 1 % of information prior to launch, so we can just wait till announcement.