After some reciprocal links (10~30) we'd like to send our secondary website to our main site. We willl use a 301 redirect, however we'll only redirect search engines, not normal
users surfing. This way you can continue with the reciprocal links and also the other webmasters will not remove the backlinks.
Use below mentioned code on the top of the PHP file to redirect all the backlinks to your main website and do not forget to alter your link.
if (preg_match("#(google|slurp@inktomi|yahoo! slurp|msnbot)#si", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
Now you'll have one-way backlinks to your main website. Google can redirect the link juice to the main {site|website|web website} and can not crawl the backlinks of the other webmasters on the secondary site.
Some notes:
- you'll be able to use a far better script to do that.
- i believe that the secondary website can have an equivalent pagerank once the redirection (or the actualization of pagerank).
- It 's easier to trade links on niches like games, porno etc. Keep that in mind, your goal is to trade several links.
- you'll be able to redirect before the primary backlinks, however i feel this works higher this manner